Hey Bud (1987)

Hey Bud
Hey Bud begins with the suicide of Bud Dwyer a government official who killed himself on television Writes Zando I view the suicide as pornographic The suicide exposed to a wide television audience becomes a kind of sex act that plays upon the tension created between exhibitionist and voyeur It forces viewers to take either an empathetic position visavis the exhibitionist or to act as voyeurs who release their repressed desire to see the forbidden face of Death My interest is to understand the power seated in the position of the exhibitionist and to explore that source of power for my own personal drama Bud Dwyer gained power by authoring his own death but his power was fatal the instant power is taken via exhibitionism it is lost through death This is the traditional power for women who must seek power via exhibitionism and exploitation they gain power only through deathofself
DirectorJulie Zando

Movie Details

Theatrical Release:January 1st, 1987
Original Language:English