Ki Muqoyyim

Ki Muqoyyim
Ki Muqoyyim is the 33rd descendant of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Ki Muqoyyim is the son of Raden Abdul Hadi with a mother named Ratu Randu Lawang Anjasmara He is a Mufti in the Keraton Kanoman Cirebon Because the Dutch colonialists at that time were too involved in Javanese customs and affairs in the palace Ki Muqoyyim decided to leave the palace and build a boarding school for the Buntet Pesantren Because more and more people joined the boarding school at the Buntet Pesantren the Dutch were afraid the Belnda thought that Ki Muqoyyim would gather more people to protest against the Dutch decision at that time the Dutch immediately attacked the Buntet Pesantren at that time However Ki Muqoyyim was not easy to catch he continued to fight against the Dutch He kept moving from place to place from Buntet to Pemalang Central Java Then he was asked to help the war in Aceh

Movie Details

Original Language:English
Production Companies:PT Putra Paksi Sejahtera