The Great Rehearsals: When a Man Dedicates His Life to Music

The Great Rehearsals: When a Man Dedicates His Life to Music
1967 documentary film originally aired on French television about Hermann Scherchen.
DirectorsGérard PatrisLuc Ferrari

Movie Details

Original Language:French
Production Companies:Service de la Recherche de l'ORTF

The Great Rehearsals Collection

Between 1965-68, the composer Luc Ferrari collaborated with director Gérard Patris on a series of filmed intimate portraits of great musicians, 'Les Grandes Répétitions' (The Great Rehearsals). Created for the ORTF, and encouraged by its director Pierre Schaeffer, these remarkable films were shown on French TV. They are remarkable not only for their exceptional content, but also for the creative camera work, including dynamic hand-held shots and croppings, and the juxtaposition of music and talk. Olivier Messiaen: Et Expecto Resurrectionem Mortuorum; Karlheinz Stockhausen: Momente; Edgar Varèse: Hommage À Edgar Varèse; Hermann Scherchen: Quand Un Homme Consacre Sa Vie À La Musique; Cecil Taylor: Cecil Taylor À Paris.