12 Teen Show Boyfriends That Are Actually Garbage
One of the things we love about television is how easy it is to get to know a character. Even those who do bad things are layered and complex, so there's always a reason for why they're terrible to everyone around them -- and fictional boyfriends are no exception. But, no matter how much we feel for these boys, we can't deny that dating them in real life would be the worst. Here are 12 beaus from teen shows that really don't deserve our love.
Dean Forester From 'Gilmore Girls'
Dean Forester was Rory's first boyfriend, and, since they were so young, it is highly likely she was his first serious girlfriend. They were both learning and growing. But you don't get to be mad at the girl you're dating because she didn't say "I love you" back. Plus, he was kind of misogynistic.
Seth Cohen From 'The O.C.'
This is coming from someone who had a Seth Cohen poster on her wall for years: Seth is one of those bad boyfriends masquerading as the "nice guy." Naming your boat after a girl you've barely spoken to is creepy. Once you get the girl, leaving without telling her and moving to Portland is mean. Then, thinking that girl should get back together with you just because you decided to come back is annoying. The saving grace for Seth is that he really gets it together by Season 4 and actually ends up being (almost) deserving of Summer Roberts.
Chuck Bass From 'Gossip Girl'
"Chair" fans are about to lose their minds, but Chuck Bass may be the worst boyfriend to ever grace our television screens. He sold Blair for a hotel and generally treated the women in his life like they were property. Obviously, Chuck had his sweet moments and, in the world of television, people find it easier to forgive. But ladies and gentlemen, if you ever date someone who wants to trade you for a literal piece of property (or even something as simple as a good steak), please abort mission.
Jordan Catalano From 'My So-Called Life'
Jordan Catalano was a total jerk. He took all of his insecurities out on his poor, naive girlfriend, Angela. We never got to see whether or not he could figure his life out since the show ended after one, cut-short season. RIP.
Jess Mariano From 'Gilmore Girls'
Jess Mariano disrespected Lorelai and his Uncle Luke, who were both just trying to help. But he's misunderstood and wounded -- ugh. Watching this show when you're a teenager, all you see is a smart bad boy and it makes you go all heart-eyes emoji. But, as an adult, you just want him to get his act together and use his words. Which, luckily, Jess does and he could've even ended up as a great boyfriend for Rory down the line. At this point, he's actually too good for Rory.
Xander Harris From 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'
Honestly, Xander Harris didn't deserve Cordelia or Anya. He always took for granted how great they were and couldn't get over his own insecurities. He was very selfish and not as funny as he thought he was. He left Anya at the alter and then expected her to get over it?! True trash.
Dan Humphrey From 'Gossip Girl'
Throughout his many relationships, Dan was a bit needy, obnoxious, and self-involved. He also loved to manipulate people while maintaining that he was the only innocent person in his friend group. Then it turned out he was Gossip Girl! He used his girlfriend's personal lives and tortured them via the internet. Since lives were ruined at the hands of Gossip Girl, that automatically makes him a terrible boyfriend. The real garbage? The fact that the writers thought Dan ending up as Gossip Girl was a good idea.
Logan Huntzberger From 'Gilmore Girls'
Logan Huntzberger wasn't the worst of Rory's boyfriends, but I think we can all agree that Rory had a habit of dating boys who she thought she could fix. Logan had a lot of issues, and Rory really helped him work through them -- but at the expense of her own feelings. She was constantly there for him and he had a habit of letting her down.
Tony Stonem From 'Skins'
Tony isn't a terrible person and usually tries to right all his wrongs, but boy he was not cut out to be a boyfriend. He cheated on his girlfriend, Michelle, multiple times and essentially equated sex with power. Michelle wasn't that great of a girlfriend either though, since she ended up cheating on Tony as well. They were a toxic couple that, thankfully, called it quits.
Tim Riggins From 'Friday Night Lights'
Tim Riggins is handsome and has a way of tugging at the heartstrings of every fan of "Friday Night Lights," but that doesn't mean he didn't have his flaws. Tim was a womanizer who cheated on his girlfriends, and when he wasn't cheating on his girlfriends, there's a possibility he was just being an ass.
Dawson Leery From 'Dawson's Creek'
Dawson was more concerned about having sex than being a good boyfriend and just ended up getting mad at anyone who was having more sex than he was. Also, he was so self-absorbed I don't understand how anyone spent more than five minutes in a room with him. He got a little better in the later seasons, but still ended up alone -- just as he deserved.
Dylan McKay From 'Beverly Hills, 90210'
Dylan McKay is lucky he had the face of Luke Perry, because if he didn't, he probably wouldn't get any dates. You don't tell a girl you love her and then have an affair with her best friend while she's away in Paris. You just don't.