21 'Full House' Questions We Want Answered on 'Fuller House'
When “Full House” went off the airwaves years ago, we were all like, “cut - it - out!” Cut to 2015, when we heard “Fuller House” was coming to Netflix and were immediately screaming, “Have mercy!” Here are some of the original show's biggest questions that fans hope “Fuller House” will answer.
1. What Happened to Mr. Bear?
Mr. Bear is like the 5th most enduring character on “Full House.” It shocks many to discover that everyone’s favorite bear detective (shouldn’t he have really been named Det. Bear?) was a ghost for the majority of the series. Obviously, the maturation of Stephanie Tanner has much to do with this...at least on the surface. What really went down with Mr. Bear? Michelle Tanner hid him once, and there’s no telling what that little munchkin was capable of. Here’s hoping Mr. Bear didn’t “[get] it, dude.”
2. Why/How Does Uncle Jesse Change Last Names?
In the first season of “Full House,” Uncle Jesse is named Jesse Cochran. From the beginning of the second season and forever after, he goes by Jesse Katsopolis. No attention is paid to this rather large change, it is never called out, and thus never addressed. However, it’s one of the biggest mysteries in “Full House” history. The only speculated answer remains that when you shave your mullet, you are allowed to change last names.
3. Whither Vicky?
Adult relationships are complex, but when you propose to a woman via fireworks at Disney World, that engagement sticks! Not so with Danny and Vicky, thus viewers can’t help but wonder where she ended up. A simple mention or acknowledgement of Vicky’s existence in “Fuller House” would go a long way towards righting the wrongs “Full House” served this character.
4. Did Michelle Ever Truly Get Over Her Head Trauma?
“Full House” left us just as Michelle had recovered from her amnesia. However, that certainly doesn’t mean that her concussive conditions were over forever. Any spill as big as the one Michelle took off her horse should not be handled lightly, medically speaking. Did she experience any lasting after-effects? Does she have to go to regular check-ups to ensure her continued head health? Does she constantly still hallucinate the other Olsen twin? We know Michelle’s not going to be in “Fuller House,” but still, it’s worth a mention.
5. Is Viper Alive?
Hot Daddy and the Monkey Puppets were a hard-living rock outfit. Despite his extensive polka skills, Viper was the sort of dude who lives fast, rocks hard, and inevitably, burns out young. Obviously, we hope Viper turned his life around, but the uncertainty has nagged the minds of “Full House” fans like a Hot Daddy on so many Monkey Puppets. D.J. is undoubtedly at least Facebook friends with Viper these days, so perhaps she can provide some closure in even a single line. In other D.J.-exes news, Nelson almost definitely owns a hedge fund now.
6. Did DJ and Steve Bump Uglies on Prom Night?
For years, “FH” fans rode the emotional roller coaster that was D.J. and Steve’s relationship until it abruptly stopped mid-loop and everyone was told to evacuate. That’s because “Stee-J” (as the couple was known) never went the Cory and Topanga route, instead breaking up before D.J. went to college. The separation was heartbreaking, but depicted in a way that rang very true. You loved both characters, but understood why they needed to be apart. Yet, it was with hopeful thrill that we welcomed Steve back as D.J.’s surprise prom date in the series finale. After D.J.’s latest string of subpar boy-toys (Nelson, Viper, etc.), Steve’s appearance was a huge relief. Regardless of relationship status, the two just work together, so fans can’t help but wonder if, after prom, they took a trip to the “smash club.” “Fuller House” would be wise to address this. However, it’s much more likely that Steve dropped D.J. off at home, grabbed some fully prepared fried chicken out of the fridge (which was always somehow in there) and left.
7. Did Danny Stay With Gia’s Mom?
“Full House” viewers are very used to getting invested in love interests who are then unceremoniously dropped with no mention of them ever again, especially where Danny Tanner is concerned. There was Stephanie’s messy dance teacher, Cindy (and her shitty son Rusty), all those “Bachelor of the Month” dates, D.J.’s spicy Spanish teacher, and the list goes on. Then there’s Gia’s mom Claire. Claire was one foxy lady, and Danny Tanner is classic “third husband” material, so it would make perfect sense for this hookup to go the distance. However, the series ends neither confirming nor denying their relationship status.
8. Why in the World Did Gia Replace Mickey?
Upon entering Jr. High, Stephanie Tanner meets Mickey, a super nice, super awesome older girl, and Gia, a straight-up b. However, Steph hangs with Mickey like once more, and suddenly Gia and Steph are best friends! Next thing you know, they’re going to make-out parties together, forming Girl Talk, and riding with cartoonishly reckless cute boy drivers. So why did Mickey go the way of Harry, Duckface, and The Jennifers? Gia brought on all sorts of bad news for Steph. Besides, it wasn’t an either/or situation! Let’s hope that Stephanie eventually saw the light and reconnected with Mickey, who, again, is awesome.
9. What’s Shakin’ With Charles?
Remember Charles? At first, Charles seemed like a real jerk, at least that’s the impression he gave in Stephanie’s class. However, once becoming her project partner, Charles revealed to Steph and us that his father routinely abuses him. Then, thanks to some top notch meddling by Uncle Jesse, Charles was placed in a foster home. As a result, Charles is now in the system! If Season 4 of “The Wire” has taught us anything, Charles went through some rough ‘n tough changes. Thus, Charles is overdue due for a check-in. Poor Charles.
10. Will Any Insurance Company Still Cover the Tanner Kitchen?
First, there was “A CAR IN THE KITCHEN,” thanks to Stephanie’s misguided attempt to listen to the radio. Then, years later, a cement mixer breaks through that same wall and dumps gallons of quickly-drying cement in that same Tanner kitchen. Surely, no self-respecting home insurance company would take on this wildly unpredictable nucleus of chaos thereafter. The rates and premiums must be through the roof! Fans are demanding to see those numbers on “Fuller House.”
11. Where Are Any and All Grandparents (Non-Papouli Class)?
Danny’s mother, Joey’s mother, both of Jesse’s parents made appearances during early seasons of “Full House,” most recently at Jesse and Becky’s wedding. However, in the last half of the series, no grandparents materialized or were even mentioned. Did they die without a Papouli-like sendoff?
12. Was Papouli’s Death Really 'Natural Causes'?
Speaking of which, the suddenness of this wise Greek adonis’s passing must be called into question. Just the eve before, Papouli had been cavorting about like a man half his age, baking and dancing with what can only be described as gusto. Cut to the next morning, and everyone’s mourning Papouli’s death. A little too convenient, some might say. Perhaps someone wanted Papouli gone in order to take over the baklava empire that he probably owned. This is a case that deserves to be reopened. Let’s get Sarah Koenig on it.
13. 'Teen Talk' vs. 'Yakkin’ With Youth': Who Ya Got?
The title for the Rush Hour Renegades’ segment in which they talk to teenagers about the real issues was never settled. Joey’s “Teen Talk” was up against Jesse’s “Yakkin’ With Youth,” but at the end of the day, a victor is never hailed. Sure, D.J. provides something of a final word by declaring both titles lame, but I doubt that sat well with the brass at KFLH. We need a final word on this decision.
14. Was That Dinosaur Skeleton Ever Properly Restored?
As we all remember, “Full House” had Michelle destroy a full dinosaur skeleton at the local museum in what could only now be viewed as a bold pro-creationist stance. Already clearly flimsy, this priceless artifact would have required thousands upon thousands of dollars to properly rebuild and restore after the damage caused by Michelle and her misbehaved comrades in Jesse’s “Team Fun.” As such, the museum may have just said “forget it,” and trashed the remaining bones. Inevitably, museum attendance would have plummeted, and the San Franciscan institution of wonder and knowledge would have had to close its doors. This would mean that Michelle Tanner single-handedly made the children of San Francisco dumber. Let’s hope this was not the case.
15. Did 'DuckFace' Get Hot?
Let’s face it; Stephanie’s would-be-boyfriend Walter (aka “Duckface”) wasn’t breaking any hearts at age eight. It could have been his mannered beak-like pursed lips, his glasses thicker than Pope-Mobile glass, or his ill-fitting threads, but Walter just never seemed to get any respect from Stephanie or her classmates (ignoring the fact that he disappeared after the third season of the show). However, the guy has classic Neville Longbottom-like “late bloomer” traits. Given Steph’s lack of a quality male counterpart (sorry Andrew Keegan) throughout the series, the time seems ripe for Duckface to make a grand reappearance. Maybe Steph would/should give the kid another chance! Above all, America deserves to know: did Duckface get attractive? (Spoiler: Here he is.)
16. Why Do Both Staircases Lead to the Same Upstairs Hallway?
It’s a fact of life: anytime D.J., Stephanie, or Michelle got especially upset, they would storm upstairs either from the living room or the kitchen. However, regardless of place of origin, both staircases would lead to the same hallway! “Fuller House” needs to explain this phenomenon. For years, staunch observers have theorized that portals are involved, giving “Full House” a sci-fi flair it for which it does not often get credit. However, these hypotheses are unconfirmed and probably super incorrect. This seems to be a good place to point out that anytime D.J., Stephanie, or Michelle said, “this is the worst day of my life” because they were embarrassed at school or something, we must remember their mom died in a car accident.
17. Are Stephanie and Michelle on the No-Fly List?
After Stephanie and Michelle Tanner just sort of stroll onto an international flight to New Zealand with a children’s choir, you would assume repercussions. Other than a stern talking to from Danny Tanner, the girls don’t really suffer any real consequences, at least on screen. However, one would assume there was severe fallout from this incident, pre-9/11 airport security measures notwithstanding. Can Stephanie and/or Michelle Tanner indeed board a flight without approval from the CIA? Are they single-handedly to blame for current TSA regulations? Their later trip to Disney World suggests that they are somehow not banned from all aircrafts, but no way they are not both, at least, persons of interest. Let’s hope “Fuller House” explores this.
18. Does Human Pudding Still Gig Locally?
We all remember San Fran indie grunge band Human Pudding for their timeless hit, “Human Pudding.” The brainchild of Stephanie’s one-time crush Jamie, Human Pudding briefly set the San Fran indie scene on fire with their toe-tapping rhythms and anti-authoritarian message that just spoke to the youth mindset of the time. However, after one performance at the Smash Club, Human Pudding was not given an encore on “Full House.” Did they get too big, too fast? “Fuller House,” let’s hope you can serve us some Human(er) Pudding.
19. Did the Rigby the Rhino Franchise Ever Recover From Being Deemed “a Rip-off”?
The endlessly merchandisable rhino had given himself quite the reputation as a swindler, a cheat, a real slippery customer. Undisputedly, Action Rigby was falsely advertised, and Michelle, Joey, and Denise’s demonstration at the San Francisco Mall was well justified and, frankly, overdue. To this day, the chant of “Rigby is a rip-off” remains a rallying cry for the oppressed. However, though amends were attempted (providing all who purchased Action Rigby’s with free stuffed Rigby’s), it may have been a case of too little too late for old Rigby. Factor in the manufacturing costs of such a gesture, and Rigby’s good name wasn’t the only thing set to take a huge hit. So the question remains, how did the Rigby franchise come out of all this? We need answers, or else we might show up at Netflix headquarters, protesting “‘Fuller House’ is a rip-off! ‘Fuller House’ is a rip-off!'"
20. Did Nicky and Alex Ever Get a Firm Grasp on the English Language?
Throughout the original series, young Nicky and Alex never quite said a word that sounded like a word. Though they redefined the phrase “mean daddy” for a new generation, the twins’ attempts at the spoken word were unintelligible at best. What are they really like now? “Fuller House” hopefully holds the answer.
21. Did Joey Pay Rent?
Probably not, right?