7 Episodes That (Almost) Effed Up Our Fave TV Shows Forever
Even the most beloved TV shows of all time make mistakes. Brace yourselves, TV fans. Here are seven episodes that (almost) effed up the legacy of our favorite shows forever. We'll forgive them... but we'll never forget.
Stranger in a Strange Land, 'Lost'
"Lost" is kind of the master of the WTF moment, but an entire episode devoted to Jack's self-indulgent Bai Ling-infused Thailand vacay was the ultimate time waster. Did we really need to know where those tattoos came from? Why not take an hour to explain one of the dozens of unanswered questions we actually wanted to know about? I don't even want to hear my friends talk about that time they "found themselves" abroad... so I really didn't need to see this.
Last Days of Summer, 'Friday Night Lights'
"Friday Night Lights" can almost do no wrong, but the whole Landry-killed-a-guy storyline that kicked off Season 2 was a totally unnecessary fumble.
Last Forever, 'How I Met Your Mother'
Robin and Barney divorced? The mother is straight-up dead? The messy goodbye to this wildly popular sitcom shattered many dreams and erased years of commitment for many loyal watchers out there. We're sorry if you're one of them.
Beer Bad, 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'
This twisted semi-PSA has our beloved Buffy transformed into an angry cavewoman after getting wasted on magic brew with some college boys. Drink responsibly, kids! Or something.
Remember the Monsters?, 'Dexter'
Worst. Finale. Ever. Well, the people have spoken, and they sure think so. Thus #LumberjackDexter lives on in our (broken) hearts forever.
The One After Rachel and Joey Kiss, 'Friends'
We sincerely apologize to all your Roey shippers out there, but just...no. This whole romantic relationship really did not need to be explored, and this episode proves it. Monica's Barbados corn rows were a good sight gag, but we'll never buy Joey and Rachel's lackluster make out sessions. Let's just pretend this didn't happen, OK?
Fonzie Goes to Hollywood: Part III, 'Happy Days'
How could we not include an episode that features a scene that involves a swimsuit and leather jacket-wearing Fonz quite literally waterskiing over a shark? At least this historically over-the-top TV moment coined a phrase we all use to this day.