9 Halloween TV Episodes You Have to Watch... or Else
by Alana Altmann
October is THE month for binging horror movies and quoting "Hocus Pocus" over and over like it's your job. But don't count out TV when it comes to quality Halloween entertainment! Check out this quality episodes just in time for Oct. 31.
"And Then There Was Shawn" From 'Boy Meets World'
"Boy Meets World" isn't exactly the kind of show that you would expect to go slasher-film scary, so we have to give credit to its excellent horror movie tribute from Season 5. The episode is bursting with references from the genre, and even gets a cameo from '90s teenage dream du jour Jennifer Love Hewitt.
"Halloween" From 'The Office'
Dunder Mifflin employees have a strong history of pretty much nailing it when it comes to Halloween costumes. In this episode, the mockumentary series teaches us that there are two types of people in the world when it comes to dressing up at work: Three Hole Punch Jims and Two-Headed Michaels.
"Tricks and Treats" From 'Freaks and Geeks'
Sadly we only have only one Halloween ep to watch from this short-lived gem of a series, but it's one of the greats. It's hilarious, touching, and will pull at your high school nostalgia heartstrings. Everyone's favorite TV-loving geek, Bill, doing a mirror-facing monologue as "The Bionic Woman" is pure genius. Now we know what we're being next year.
"Living Dead Girl" From 'Dawson's Creek'
"Dawson's Creek" was created by Kevin Williamson, writer of "Scream" and "I Know What You Did Last Summer," so it inserted frights and scares when it could. The Halloween episodes were like little horror vignettes, and "Living Dead Girl" finds Dawson being spooked by a movie star of the past who is seemingly haunting his set. There's also some crazy Pacey/Audrey drama, and a lot of Jen's love interest, C.J. (Jensen Ackles.)
"It's The Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester" From 'Supernatural'
Speaking of Jensen Ackles... We would be remiss if we didn't include the super entertaining "Supernatural" episode, This one has everything fans of the series could as for: Demons, and witches, and hexes (oh my!). It's the perfect mix of spookiness and silliness we've come to know from the show.
"The One With the Halloween Party" From 'Friends'
We all have that one friend who tries to go all out with a clever, pun-ny costume every year. In the "Friends" universe, that person is obviously Ross, who blessed the world with his ridiculous "Spud-nik" look in this hilarious episode.
"Treehouse of Horror V" From 'The Simpsons'
"Treehouse of Horror" episodes are now as integral to Halloween as candy and costumes. We're particularly partial to this 1994 classic, which features a much-loved "The Shining" parody worthy of its endless praise. "No TV and no beer make Homer go crazy."
"Halloween" From 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'
Leave it to "Buffy" to get the Halloween special right. This memorable episode explores the idea of what would happen if you literally became the costume you are wearing, which is exactly what happens when Ethan Rayne's spell goes into effect. It's an amusing little twist that gave audiences the chance to see their fave characters take on alternate personas.
"Halloween" From 'My So-Called Life'
In this eerie retro dream-like episode, Angela has visions of a teenage student -- a near dead-ringer for Jordan Catalano -- that died back in the '50s. It's surreal, clever, and "My So-Called Life" at its unique best. Eek. There's nothing scarier than being in high school.