14 '90s Movies That Are So '90s It Hurts
Spice Girls, Fruitopia, Pogs -- the '90s were the best. We'll always be thankful that the decade gave us some of the greatest movies in the history of ever. But not all of them (cough, "The Net") hold up as well as others. Here are a few '90s flicks that didn't age so well in their time capsule, but we love 'em anyway.
'Rounders' (1998)
John Malkovich's Tony KGB (and our impersonation of him) holds up a lot better than this cable staple, full of dated fashion and baby-faced Ed Norton and Matt Damon.
'City of Angels' (1998)
It's like this movie's soundtrack was inside every one of our brains back in high school, back when kids still listened to FM radio. Goo Goo Dolls and Alanis?! We'd rather have this movie than an eternity without it. (Reference!)
'Clueless' (1995)
"Clueless" is a comedy all children of the '90s can quote on command. It was also one of the most important movies ever when it comes to fashion, and the iconic film spawned some of the biggest trends of the decade. Who didn't want a mini-backpack or plaid skirt after seeing Cher and pal strut their high school stuff? To this day, this is the only movie to ever get away with pulling off purple clogs.
'Point Break' (1991)
Swayze plus Keanu plus Lori "Where Is She Now?" Petty plus Xtreme Sports-lovin' bank robbers equals '90s movie heaven. *sips generously from a Zima.
'Romy and Michele's High School Reunion' (1997)
Nothing says '90s like a whole character's storyline revolving around cigarettes. Plus, the fashion is so '90s it's probably being sold at Forever 21 right now.
'Scream' (1996)
You know how I know you're so '90s, "Scream? Skeet. Ulrich.
'She's All That' (1999)
#FunkSoulBrother. Freddie Prinze, Jr.Matthew freakin' Lillard! If you'll excuse me, I gotta go Spotify "Kiss Me" on repeat.
'The Crow' (1994)
The "revenge from beyond the grave" story holds up for the most part. But that soundtrack, though?! Stone Temple Pilots. Helmet. My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult?! *runs up and down street like Key & Peele valets.
'Chasing Amy' (1997)
Kevin Smith's first "Serious" movie was every freshman film school brat's "go-to movie" back in the day. Every character's near-constant use of reference-filled soliloquies was kinda novel then, but tired and dated now. But not as dated as Affleck's goatee or his "Blades of Steel" game on SEGA Genesis.
'The Lawnmower Man' (1992)
'Nuff said. The '90s loved some virtual reality.
'Disclosure' (1994)
Arguably the most dated '90s film ever made. Watch as Michael Douglas races against time in a VR simulation where it takes 30 minutes to delete a file! Or where every new email arriving in his inbox is an EVENT -- complete with a spinning "e" icon. "Community" did a great job making fun of the decade's virtual reality craze at the center of this movie, which is supposedly about sexual harassment.
'Reality Bites' (1994)
If this movie were any more '90s, your screen would spit out shirts from Pac Sun and Cranberries CDs. And what is up with this poster calling out "credit cards"?! Were the '90s really that hard, Gen X?
'The Net' (1995)
You know how I know you're so '90s, "The Net"? Everyone says aloud EVERYTHING that they type. This film's greatest contribution to how movies think computers "work"? Ordering a pizza online without ever speaking to a person. From a time when the internet was new and "scary," Sandra Bullock takes a backseat to weird zoom-ins on words like "mainframe" and "irl." Where something called an "internet number" exists and -- nevermind that, let's get back to this Pizza.net thing...
'Hackers' (1995)
"Their only crime was curiosity." And that jacket.