Chris Harrison Addresses Kaitlyn and Shawn 'The Bachelorette' Snapchat Spoiler
This is it. "The Bachelorette" Season 11 will infuriate and bewilder us for the last time this Monday, July 27 when the finale airs, Kaitlyn Bristowe chooses between Shawn Booth, Nick Viall and herself, and it's all given an overly positive spin on "After the Final Rose."
Speaking of spin, what did The Powers That Be make of that Snapchat video Kaitlyn posted that seemed to give away the winner? That scandal-of-sorts played out in June when an image was captured and shared across the Internet, showing Kaitlyn in bed with Shawn. Up to that point, the running SPOILER, from Reality Steve, was that Kaitlyn walked away single and alone. After that, the spoiler was updated to say Kaitlyn did get engaged to Shawn and they are still together. So she either shared the Snapchat "accidentally" or wanted to get in front of the spoilers, since walking away solo has yet to be received well (ask Brad Womack and Jen Schefft) and Kaitlyn has already been trashed for enough.
Chris Harrison recently promoted the finale in a talk with reporters, and Reality TV World snuck in a Snapchat spoiler question. Here's that portion of the Q&A:
Reality TV World: Kaitlyn was criticized at The Men Tell All for not handling her role as the Bachelorette well. Her interactions with the men are controversial and people think she spoiled the show's ending by posting a Snapchat pic of herself in bed with one of her Final 2 suitors. How do you think she handled the position? Would you love to cast someone like Kaitlyn again or did she take the show in a Juan Pablo Galavis-direction you'd like to avoid in the future?
Chris Harrison: I don't -- you know, it's interesting. There's really kind of no right or wrong or yes or no answer to this. But I think what we found in this new age of social media and just where we are in this world, in this day and time, these people -- the Bachelor/Bachelorette will take us wherever they want, wherever their lifestyle and decisions and all that takes us.
We are more apt to follow where that goes. And we are more apt to follow that in a more, I think, open and realistic way. And you mentioned Juan Pablo and you started seeing that with Juan Pablo. You know, the decisions he made led him down that path and the decisions he made dictated where the show went, and Kaitlyn is the same way. I don't think it's good or bad as much as it is -- I mean, I hate this saying but -- it is what it is.
And so, we're going to kind of cover and let you see what they do. And so, yes, this season was good as far as ratings have been. But, you know, we never get a season like this or Juan Pablo's or whatever and think we need to recreate that because you can't do it. You can't do what we did with [Sean Lowe], you can't do what we did with Kaitlyn or [Ali Fedotowsky] or anybody else.
You really have to just kind of bring a person in that you think is the right person for the job, and then, go with it. And then, however that season turns out, that's how it's going to be. It's kind of a weird maybe obtuse answer to your question, but that's kind of the best way I can describe it, is we really kind of let them dictate where the show goes.
Chris is great at being vague, so it's hard to know how to interpret that social media quote on the Bachelor/Bachelorette taking us wherever their lifestyle and decisions take us. Is he perhaps saying that was just Kaitlyn's call and since it didn't really hurt ratings or anything, so be it? We'll find it soon enough if the new spoiler is true and she picked Shawn. If so, that means Nick gets to have still another awkward talk about taking second place after the Bachelorette made love to him. Can't wait to see him back next year. Third time's the charm, right? (Kidding)
Do you hope Kaitlyn did pick Shawn and spoiled her own season or do you hope there's a different twist coming?
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