You Need to Watch This Couple's 'Drunk History'-Style 'How We Met' Story
Not many people would want to get wasted, tape themselves talking, and then show that video to their closest friends and family. But when you're mimicking the folks at "Drunk History" and explaining your "how we met" story for your wedding, then it's pretty much the most genius idea ever.
California couple Justin Willman and Jillian Sipkins took inspiration from the hilarious Comedy Central series for their own version of "Drunk History," filming a mini-movie that tells the tale of their multiple chance meetings before they started dating. As Willman explained on his Facebook page, he and his fiancee "didn't want to waste time at the wedding reception having to answer the question 'how did you two meet?', so with the help of a few friends and a lot of booze we made this video to show at the rehearsal dinner."
Earlier this year, Willman, a comedian and magician (and host of Food Network show "Cupcake Wars"), and Sipkins, a photographer, got plastered, and sat down to tell the tale, which includes Sipkins initially thinking a bowtie-sporting magician was lame, and Willman immediately thinking the chick snapping photos was cute. Cut to six months later, and then another year after that, and the pair finally had their first official date.
The fact that all this is narrated and then acted out exactly in the style of "Drunk History" is not only hilarious, but impressive, too, especially considering how much time and effort must have gone into the production and editing process. Kudos to Willman and Sipkins (who officially got hitched on September 6) and all their talented friends for their creativity -- and the rest of their loved ones for getting the joke.
"It went over better than we ever expected," Willman said in an interview with BuzzFeed. "Even grandma, who we were worried wouldn't get it, was raving."
Check out the awesomeness for yourself below.
Yesterday we got married. We didn't want to waste time at the wedding reception having to answer the question "how did you two meet?", so with the help of a few friends and a lot of booze we made this video to show at the rehearsal dinner. Enjoy! (WARNING: a few f-bombs from my drunken bride, delicate ears beware)
Posted by Justin Willman on Monday, September 7, 2015
[via: Justin Willman]
Photo credit: Facebook