Daylight Saving Time Is Stupid, Says 'Last Week Tonight' (VIDEO)
You're probably still complaining about the lack of sleep you received thanks to Daylight Saving Time, and "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" also has a bone to pick with the tradition.
The satirical HBO show took a swing at the out-of-date practice in a segment entitled "How Is This Still A Thing?," lamenting that the twice-yearly changing of the clocks does nothing for humanity other than confuse them about how to adjust the time on their microwaves. And the conventional wisdom that it was a practice invented for farming is false, too, the segment claims.
Check out the video below -- which highlights the fact that it was the German military, not American farmers, who spearheaded the practice -- and just try to argue with "Last Week Tonight's" logic. We may not think that cows are just stupid creatures (that one at the 1:03 mark is pretty adorable), but the rest of the segment's sentiments seem sound.
[via: Last Week Tonight]
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