Dermot Mulroney's 5 Favorite Horror Films
'Phantasm' (1979)
"A stand-alone film in the c-movie horror genre. One of a kind (except 'Phantasm 2' and 'Phantasm 3,' of course). This movie has two iconic horror elements that have been oft-imitated but never matched: Angus Scrimm’s Tall Man character (Boyyyyyy!) and the flying murder ball that attaches to your cranium and drills into your skull. Really cool. Plus, I’m a big Don Coscarelli fan. (see: 'Survival Quest')."
'Halloween' (1978)
"I watched this movie in the theater with a bunch of friends and was so scared that I pulled one of the braces off my teeth. Plus Jamie Lee Curtis. Plus my birthday is on Halloween."
'The Omen' (1976)
"I always love horror movies in which there’s an actor -- in this case, Gregory Peck -- playing the father of the disturbed, possessed child who is not generally known for his work in horror (see: 'Insidious: Chapter 3'). Harvey Stephens as Damien never made another movie and still haunts my dreams."
'It's Alive' (1974)
"The poor man’s 'Rosemary's Baby.' Can I be honest? I never even saw this one. Sometimes seeing trailer of a horror movie can be scarier than actually seeing the movie -- especially when you’re a kid. This was that one for me. The tagline I remember went something like: 'The good news is the Davies had their baby. The bad new is… IT'S ALIVE!!' Even the poster with the creature’s claw hanging over the side of the crib still gets me."
'The Shinning' (1980)