Disney's 12 Best Animated Movies From the '90s, Ranked
The 1990's are widely considered the golden age for Disney animation, spawning classics like "The Lion King" and "Beauty and the Beast." We've taken on the daunting task of ranking all of Disney's traditional animated films from that decade (that means no Pixar or "The Nightmare Before Christmas").
12. 'Pocahontas' (1995)
At its best, "Pocahontas" is a pretty but uninspired addition to the Disney canon. At its worst, it's a distressingly misguided take on a historical conflict that borrows a few too many pages from "Dances With Wolves." Coming off instant classics like "Lion King" and "Aladdin," "Pocahontas" was a disappointing reminder that not everything Disney touches turns to gold.
11. 'A Goofy Movie' (1995)
Who would have thought that this follow-up to the animated series "Goof Troop" would out-class "Pocahontas" in 1995? While not exactly a timeless classic -- the soundtrack and "trendy" character designs being especially forgettable -- "A Goofy Movie" got a lot of mileage out of the father/son conflict.
10. 'DuckTales the Movie: The Treasure of the Lost Lamp' (1990)
"DuckTales the Movie" is basically a bigger, longer episode of the animated series. But is that such a bad thing? We're always down for another "Indiana Jones"-inspired, globetrotting adventure.
9. 'Tarzan' (1999)
If nothing else, "Tarzan" showed just how far Disney's animation prowess had come over the course of a decade. Even now, the combination of fluid characters and lush CG backgrounds still stands out. Apart from that, this film offers an enjoyable (if not particularly groundbreaking) take on the classic franchise, but one that suffers from a less-than-thrilling Phil Collins soundtrack.
8. 'Hercules' (1997)
Sure, "Hercules" presents a very sanitized take on classical Greek mythology, but those myths aren't exactly family friendly. At least it delivers a rollicking tale of a show-boater discovering what it means to be a true hero. James Woods' deliciously entertaining Hades and the catchy, gospel-flavored soundtrack are added bonuses. The dated CG animation? Not so much.
7. 'The Rescuers Down Under' (1990)
This sequel to the 1978 hit had the misfortune of being sandwiched between "Little Mermaid" and "Beauty and the Beast," leading to it being all but forgotten by Disney lovers. And it's a shame. It's a much more exciting watch than its predecessor, especially thanks to the breathtaking rendition of the Australian wilderness.
6. 'Fantasia 2000' (1999)
Once, Walt Disney dreamed of "Fantasia" sparking a whole series of films that combined classical music and state-of-the-art animation. This sequel paid homage to that dream by offering a new wave of gorgeously rendered, aurally pleasing stories. None of the vignettes have proven quite as timeless as "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" or "Night on Bald Mountain," but we're still keeping our fingers crossed for "Fantasia 2020."
5. 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame' (1996)
Easily the darkest Disney animated film since "The Black Cauldron," it's no surprise that "Hunchback" went over about as well as a fart in an elevator with general audiences. But time has been kind to this overlooked gem. In particular, Tony Jay's vindictive, sexually frustrated Judge Frollo might just be the most underrated villain in the Disney canon.
4. 'Mulan' (1998)
After many decades of damsels in distress, "Mulan" introduced moviegoers to a very different kind of Disney princess. "Mulan" offers a heartfelt exploration of one woman's struggle to fit in and prove her worth in a male-dominated society. Not unlike the X-Men movies, it's a metaphor that resonates with anyone who feels like an outcast. We could have done with a little less Mushu, though.
3. 'Aladdin' (1992)
Cut Robin Williams' motor-mouthed Genie out of the equation and you'd still have an enjoyable animated adventure featuring some of the best songs in a Disney musical. As well as instant classic -- one of the best ever from the Mouse House.
2. 'The Lion King' (1994)
"The Lion King" showcased Disney at its peak in the '90s, willing to push the boundaries of what moviegoers expected but still delivering comfortably familiar entertainment. Between the lush animation, catchy songs and Shakespearean tale of a lion cub growing to become a leader, "Lion King" still has us saying "Hakuna matata."
1. 'Beauty and the Beast' (1991)
One could make a strong case for "Beauty and the Beast" being the greatest Disney animated film in the history of ever, not just the '90s. This gem took everything we loved about the old-school classics, added a healthy dose of modern flair and terrific music, and delivered a timeless story of love appearing in the most unlikely of places.