Emilia Clarke Warns Fans About 'Game of Thrones' Season 8 Leaks
It's not just Jon Snow who knows nothing this time. The reports of multiple endings for "Game of Thrones" Season 8 appear to be true.
The final season is now filming, and there's "a very strict social-media ban this year" for the cast. So we probably won't get more adorable behind-the-scenes photos from Emilia Clarke in her final season as Daenerys Targaryen.
Emilia recently chatted with the Telegraph of the U.K. about her career, and the paper mentioned how -- last season -- her Instagram was filled with photos and videos goofing around on set with Kit Harington. No more.
Here's part of the Telegraph's report:
"We have a very strict social-media ban this year because people need to stop spoiling it for everyone,' she says, pouting slightly. 'It's really frustrating.' Even Emilia doesn't know what's planned for her character (the TV series has now gone past the point George RR Martin's books have reached).
'They've written a number of different endings,' she says. 'So none of the cast know what the actual ending is. If there's ever a leak of any kind, don't believe it because it's probably not true.'"
HBO Programming President Casey Bloys previously said the showrunners were "going to shoot multiple versions so that nobody really knows what happens."
That sounds expensive, just to try to avoid spoiler leaks that are probably inevitable. (And that's not even accounting for hackers, or HBO's own contractors, leaking entire episodes online.) Then again, they can always pop the "alternate endings" onto the final season Blu-ray and make it even more of a must-buy.
But Emilia said they wrote a number of different endings, which makes sense. That keeps the cast/crew in the dark and prevents a spoiled ending if the scripts get leaked. Will they film all of the different endings? And by "endings," do they mean the exact final scene, or a final climactic ending scenario?
Season 8 will film through the summer of 2018, which is why most fans expect Season 8 to premiere in 2019 instead of 2018. But HBO has not released a premiere date. And we shouldn't expect many teases, it seems, from the cast or maybe even the show itself.
Spoiler fan sites like Watchers on the Wall are still staking out the Belfast set to get hints, but they were not the ones to spoil Season 7. That entire season was spoiled in a rundown several months in advance -- before filming was even done -- by someone on the inside. And then HBO had that business with a hacker. So, in fitting "Game of Thrones" fashion, it's their own allies they really have to be wary of, not the fans.
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