34 Funniest Twitter Reactions to Oscars 2017
Oscars 2017 was a night to remember. Everyone's talking about that Best Picture gaffe -- the worst in Academy Awards history. But the night also featured several hilarious meme-worthy moments that will make you laugh your a** off. Like these...
And the award for Best GIF of the night goes to...
The internet wasted no time meme-ing the sh** out of that epic Best Picture fail.
The Rock's reaction to that Best Picture fail is all of us.
And that Best Makeup Oscar for "Suicide Squad" came with some pretty good burns...
John Legend's "La La Land" medley did not go unnoticed, either...
There's always jokes poking fun at how long the Oscars telecast runs, but this one... *kisses fingertips
Same, Chrissy Teigen. Same...
Truer words about that free food gag. Truer words...
In response to Robert Legato winning his third Best Visual Effects Oscar...
The bus gag with the tourist was a fun-but-went-on-too-long moment at the Oscars, but the Ryan Gosling memes it gave us are pure gold. We leave you with some of our favorites: