Even the Mother of Dragons needs her latte, apparently.

Eagle-eyed "Game of Thrones" fans had to do a double-take during Sunday night's episode when a takeout coffee cup made a brief appearance on a table next to Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) in one scene. The moment immediately went viral on social media.

Such a jolting anachronism on one of the biggest series on television couldn't pass without Twitter users making a bunch of jokes -- including taking swipes at a certain coffee chain's penchant for misspelling customers' names, and calling back to last week's poorly-lit episode (and its cinematographer's snippy self-defense).

Variety reached out to "Game of Thrones" art director Hauke Richter for comment on the cup's cameo, and the trade reported that Richter responded that "he had not yet seen Sunday night’s episode but noted that it’s not uncommon for such misplaced elements to mistakenly end up in the final cut of TV shows and movies."

“Things can get forgotten on set,” Richter added in his email reply, telling Variety that he thought the mistake had been “so blown out of proportion [because] it has not happened with ‘Thrones’ so far.”

You can draw your own conclusions about whether or not fans are making too big a deal of the error, but we have a feeling that the show's editors are going to be closely combing every remaining episode for additional mistakes, just in case.

[via: Variety]