Retta, Christina Hendricks, and Mae Whitman Rob a Grocery Store in the 'Good Girls' Trailer
Three of our favorite TV stars -- Good Girls," and based on the fabulous first trailer for the intriguing dramedy, it appears poised to become our new favorite show.
If the above starry cast alone didn't pique your interest, then this first clip should. The three titular women (Retta, Hendricks, Whitman), regular suburban moms all in various stages of financial/life distress, decide to rob a grocery store to get some much-needed cash -- and take control of their lives once and for all. But how will they handle the fallout from their first foray into crime?
It turns out, not so well, since they're eventually caught by some scary guys with guns and tattoos who know exactly what they did. But don't count out these so-called good girls just yet.
"We're not going to sit back and let everything be taken from us," declares Hendricks's character.
We certainly don't want to mess with this tough-as-nails trio. And we can't wait to see how their story unfolds.
"Good Girls" premieres on NBC on February 26.