9 Great 'Glee' Episodes We'll Never Forget
As we prepare to say goodbye to "Glee," let's look back at 9 great episodes of the musical series.
'Pilot' (Season 1, Episode 1)
"Glee" started out with a bang -- it seemed like everyone was talking about it as they anxiously awaited its return. The show proved that a TV musical could be smart, funny, and moving and not just for die-hard theater fans. "Don't Stop Believin" was a hit again. And we thought Tony Soprano would be the one to manage that feat...
'Sectionals' (Season 1, Episode 13)
We remember shrieking on our couches as Will chased Emma down to plant a kiss on her just as she is about to leave McKinley for good. Not to mention the fact that New Directions was simultaneously killing a performance of "My Life Would Suck Without U." Behold the power of Kelly Clarkson and grand romantic gestures.
'The Power of Madonna' (Season 1, Episode 15)
"Glee" is all about getting you to tune in for specific theme episodes, and this time they turned to Madonna's amazing catalog of hits. Well, the stunt worked, because those crazy kids lived up to the hype with super solid covers of the Madge's best jams. We've come to experience mashup fatigue over the years, but that "Borderline"/"Open Your Heart" one is serious pop perfection.
'Journey to Regionals' (Season 1, Episode 22)
This "Glee" episode delivered in a big way (seriously, Quinn gave birth at the end) by giving viewers everything they could possibly want out of a season finale. The guest stars weren't just gimmicks, they were musical legends (hello, Idina Menzel and Josh Groban), and we'll never forget Rachel and Finn's powerful performance of "Faithfully." Journey is relevant with America's Bieber-obsessed youth -- again!
'Duets' (Season 2, Episode 4)
This is the episode where Santana and Brittany start to explore their relationship in a real way. We are also introduced to Sam when original cast member Puck gets shipped off to juvey. Standout moments include his adorable duet of "Lucky" with Quinn and a lonely Brittany moving a meatball across her plate using her nose, a la "Lady and the Tramp."
'Grilled Cheesus' (Season 2, Episode 3)
This is kind of a heavy one, as Kurt deals with his father's heart attack and there are explorations of concepts of religion, faith, and tolerance (through song!). Musical highlights include Rachel's Barbra-fied "Papa Can You Hear Me?" and Mercedes' "Bridge Over Troubled Water." "This ep actually earned Chris Colfer a Golden Globe, if you needed more reasons to check it out.
'Original Song' (Season 2, Episode 16)
This episode is pure Blaine/Kurt greatness, as the pair finally gets the kiss we had all been waiting for. Blaine also shows off his performance prowess with The Warblers with a fantastic rendition of Maroon 5's "Misery" and an even more fantastic version of "Raise Your Glass" that made us rethink our ambivalence towards P!nk.
'The Quarterback' (Season 5, Episode 3)
It's hard to do a tribute episode for a cast member who was such an integral part of a show, but "Glee" memorialized Cory Monteith and his character Finn Hudson with grace. The cast's "Seasons of Love" is gut-wrenching, and it's hard to hold back tears throughout Rachel's "Make You Feel My Love."
'A Wedding' (Season 6, Episode 8)
It's a tad cliche and convenient to wrap up your characters' stories with weddings, but we were perfectly on board to see Brittany and Santana get a happy ending in show's final season. Oh, it's a double wedding with Blaine and Kurt? Even more convenient. But "Glee," you got us this time. We were totally moved by these nuptials and Artie's performance of "At Last" was the icing on the wedding cake.