J.K. Rowling Reveals New Book Title Via Fun Game of Hangman
Never mind staring at a block of ice for an hour (*cough*GameofLame*cough*), this is how you get fans involved in a big announcement.
J.K. Rowling has close to 10 million Twitter followers, and she gave them a Hermione-level riddle to solve to get the title of her next Cormoran Strike book. This was after making it clear she would not be holding a ("bloody") referendum to decide the title of the next "Fantastic Beasts" movie, although that title is currently being decided by others.
A fan asked if she had any news on the next Strike novel, to follow "The Cuckoo's Calling," "The Silkworm," and "Career of Evil," all written under Rowling's pseudonym, Robert Galbraith. Rowling answered, "It isn't finished, though well underway!" Another fan asked for a hint on what the novel will be called, and that's when she started this hangman game:
_ _ _ H _ _ _ H _ _ _ https://t.co/fa0rJRKnCS
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) March 14, 2017
As you can imagine, fans had A LOT of fun coming up with guesses, and while most were wrong, a winner was eventually declared.
Rather Sharp
Tether Chins
Anchor Chain
Rasher Thief
Eighth Child
Gothic Chain... no, none of those.— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) March 14, 2017
I would also read a book called 'Python Shame', but that's not the fourth Strike. https://t.co/hSvXNSIgue
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) March 14, 2017
No, but I would definitely read novels called 'Eighty Shoes' and 'Mashed Chips.' https://t.co/Ru6FLtUEIE
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) March 14, 2017
Kosher Thins
Cashew Chase
Father Shean... no, but nice guesses.— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) March 14, 2017
Somebody just sent me a joke suggestion that is one letter away from the title...
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) March 14, 2017
I want to see my editor's face when I tell him I've changed the title to 'Woohoo, chips!' https://t.co/KTS1ys11i3
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) March 14, 2017
I don't know why this one made me laugh a lot, but it did. https://t.co/XdXEb30EB3
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) March 14, 2017
Then someone got it:
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner. https://t.co/2aOXDYi6qA
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) March 14, 2017
.@warpathed DM me your address and I'll make sure you get a signed copy when I finally finish it!
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) March 14, 2017
Well, that was fun. Back to chapter 23.
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) March 14, 2017
Congratulations to that quick-thinking fan! But what does "Lethal White" mean as a title for the detective series? As Moviepilot speculated, "A quick Google search reveals that lethal white is actually a rare but serious genetic mutation found in horses, which can cause foals to die very early on in their lives. Sure it's very specific, and unlikely to be related because Strike and Robin mainly frequent urban areas rather than the countryside. Then again, Rowling's other Strike novels feature animals in their titles. Plus, the titular Cuckoo and Silkworm were crucial to their respective plots, so we definitely can't rule this link out completely."
Fans can look forward to more details on that book, and -- apparently -- the title of the next "Fantastic Beasts" movie, whenever they make a decision.
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