These Jedi Disney Princesses Are 'Star Wars' Perfection
It's become a popular internet pastime to re-imagine Disney princesses as other characters/ethnicities/genders/artworks, and for good reason: The artists behind them often produce some amazingly creative work. That's the case for the latest mashup, which combines Disney's newest property, "Star Wars," with some of its classic princesses, in a series that artist Tom Hodges has dubbed "Once upon a long time ago."
The series transforms our familiar heroines into Jedi knights, many of whom closely resemble Rey (Daisy Ridley), the newest star of the "Star Wars" universe in "The Force Awakens." (And depending on how you look at it, Rey could be considered a Disney princess in her own right.) Elaborate ballgowns and dresses are transformed into the Jedi's traditional robes, while some (like Aurora's familiar cape) have their existing outfits stylized a bit more to fit the theme. Each comes equipped with her own lightsaber, as well as a personalized Rebellion/Resistance emblem to complement her personality. (Snow White gets an apple, for example, while Belle's design bears a rose.)
We're especially fond of Merida's transformation, which includes a bow/lightsaber hybrid that perfectly suits the young archer. Jasmine also gets a pretty awesome weapon: a double-sided lightsaber, like Darth Maul's in the "Star Wars" prequels.
Check out some of our favorites below, and head over to Hodges's Facebook page for the rest. The designs will be available for purchase through Tee Fury, on shirts or a poster.
[via: Tom Hodges, h/t HitFix]
Photo credit: Tom Hodges/Facebook