Watch Kelly Clarkson Fangirl Over Meryl Streep at the Golden Globes: 'Can I Meet You?'
The best of moment of the 2018 Golden Globes happened on the red carpet -- it was the beautiful moment in which Kelly Clarkson met her idol Meryl Streep. Seriously, at that point, everyone could have gone home, because there was no topping it.
Clarkson was on the red carpet next to "American Idol" host Ryan Seacrest on Sunday when she spotted the legendary actress. Immediately, the multi-Grammy winner morphed into a fangirl, nearly tripping down the stairs and then pointing out the obvious.
"That's Meryl. That's Meryl Streep," she told Seacrest in disbelief.
Her reaction only got more priceless from there. She called down the stairs to Streep, asking her, "Can I meet you? I'm such a fan! ... I've adored you since I was, like, 8."
Seacrest was obviously as charmed as the rest of us, and he shared a photo of it on Twitter, captioning it "that moment when @Kelly_Clarkson sees Meryl Streep and freaks out."
That moment when @Kelly_Clarkson sees Meryl Streep and freaks out. Good to see you KC :)
— Ryan Seacrest (@RyanSeacrest) January 7, 2018
And, of course, fans were living for it, too. People wrote that Clarkson's reaction was pure, relatable, and all-around heart-warming.
Kelly Clarkson seeing Meryl Streep at the #GoldenGlobes is the purest thing I've seen in a while.
— Ali White (@aliwhite22) January 7, 2018
Kelly Clarkson: "I hear you can drink at this event...OMG that's Meryl Streep! Can I meet you, Meryl?"
This is why Kelly Clarkson won the first blockbuster season of American Idol and why she's the only winner America still cares about. ❤️
— Steph Bello (@steph_bello) January 7, 2018
Kelly Clarkson fangirling over Meryl Streep is the most relatable thing I have ever seen
— Ash ✌️ (@ASHLEYWEBERR) January 7, 2018
Kelly Clarkson almost falling off the stairs because she saw Meryl Streep behind her IS SUCH A MOOD HAHAHAHA
— Christel Jimenez (@ChristelJimenez) January 7, 2018
Congratulations @kelly_clarkson for not fainting or tripping down the stairs & giving @RyanSeacrest a mini panic attack before meeting the one & only Meryl Streep #GoldenGlobes2018
— April Truchinski (@scottbenji2010) January 8, 2018
When @kelly_clarkson met Meryl Streep tonight on the red carpet...I can't stop watching this.
— Shane McAnally (@shanemcanally) January 7, 2018
kelly clarkson fangirling over meryl streep single handedly saved 2018
— sara (@thisbemesara) January 8, 2018
My sexual orientation is Meryl Streep caressing Kelly Clarkson's cheek as she screams "I've been in love with you since I was 8."
— keaton kilde (@keatonkildebell) January 8, 2018
'oh my god oh my god that's meryl that's meryl that's meryl streep'
— martina (@lovepxrrilla) January 7, 2018
But no seriously, Kelly Clarkson spotting Meryl Streep during an interview and screaming "can I meet you?" is me seeing any of my faves on the street ???????????? #GoldenGlobes
— Lady Yoshi ????????❤️ (@HistoryDiva25) January 7, 2018
Kelly Clarkson
1. Freaks out over Meryl Streep
2. Chats with Steve Carrell
3. She has Tupperware IN HER DRESS POCKET!!!@kelly_clarkson girl, you won the @goldenglobes this year with your relatable trifecta! ???????? #GoldenGlobes#KellyClarkson— Jenny Doss (@dossville) January 8, 2018
See? The awards show was great and all, but we saw all we needed to on the red carpet.