Here's Your First Look at Kid Flash in 'The Flash' Season 3
There's some exciting stuff brewing for fans of "The Flash" on the show's upcoming third season, including the iconic "Flashpoint" storyline from the comics and the addition of a mysterious new character played by "Harry Potter" star Tom Felton. Now, The CW has released a teaser for yet another big moment from season three: The introduction of Kid Flash.
The network released two images of actor Keiynan Lonsdale suited up as Kid Flash, sporting the character's signature yellow and red outfit. That confirms that the season two introduction of Lonsdale's Wally West (a.k.a. Kid Flash's everyday alias) is indeed building to him joining forces with The Flash (played by actor Grant Gustin) as Barry Allen's teenage sidekick.
According to io9, the costume is incredibly faithful to the comics, and the site also explains how Wally will come into his own as the Kid Flash (though he probably won't use that childish moniker himself). The second image in particular proves that the character possesses great individual power, featuring Lonsdale-as-Wally looking ready to take on the world -- and perhaps also take some time to reflect on his newfound abilities, as any newly-minted superhero might.
"The Flash" returns for season three on The CW on October 4.
Photo credit: The CW