Kimmy's Mom Is Coming to Season 2 of 'Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt'
A mysterious new character will join the cast of "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" for its upcoming second season: Kimmy's mom.
For now, no one knows much about the woman, and that includes the series' titular star, Ellie Kemper. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Kemper filled in some blanks about the so-far-unseen woman, who abandoned her family after Kimmy was kidnapped and kept in an underground bunker for 15 years.
"What I know about her is that she wore short skirts and maybe wasn't the most attentive mother so it might be a sad revelation who the mother was," Kemper told THR. "[Kimmy] didn't really have a family to go back to so I'm interested to know who that mom will be. I have a feeling whatever sadness is there will be dealt with a humorous way."
As for who might be playing the former Mrs. Schmidt, Kemper declined to name any specific names, though she did give a couple sweet shout-outs to two women.
"The Office' which was amazing. That was great casting," the actress told the trade. "I'm not going to name any other woman because what if a woman gets insulted that I said they could play my mom? So I'll just name my mom, Dotty Kemper."
"Kimmy" executive producer Jack Burditt, who also worked with series co-creator 30 Rock," also spoke to THR about season two, and alluded to the fact that they'd like more "30 Rock" alums to appear on the show. We'd be pretty pumped to see someone from that world (maybe Julianne Moore?) pop up as Kimmy's mom.
Season two of "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" shoots this summer. New episodes are tentatively scheduled to arrive in early 2016.
[via: The Hollywood Reporter]