'Luke Cage' Is So Popular that It Crashed Netflix This Weekend
Marvel has another television sensation on its hands: Its latest Netflix series, "Luke Cage," debuted this weekend, and was apparently so popular that it temporarily crashed the streaming service.
According to Deadline, Netflix was down for several hours on Saturday afternoon, one day after the premiere of "Luke Cage." While Netflix declined to comment on whether or not the Marvel hero was responsible for the outage (it famously does not release viewing statistics), many fans speculated that "Cage" was the cause, and the show's official Twitter account -- as well those of fellow Marvel property "Jessica Jones," "Cage" showrunner Cheo Coker, and even Netflix itself -- had some fun with that notion while anxious viewers waited for service to be restored.
Hi all - we are aware of streaming issues and we are working quickly to solve them. We will update you when they are resolved.
— Netflix CS (@Netflixhelps) October 1, 2016
Netflix fixing their servers right now like... #LukeCage # pic.twitter.com/tby2NVUW4L
— Luke Cage (@LukeCage) October 1, 2016
DId y'all break NETFLIX ? #LukeCage
— Cheo Hodari Coker (@cheo_coker) October 1, 2016
Got some heroes at #Netflix fixing things. They're all over it. Meantime, keep this in mind. #LukeCagepic.twitter.com/eUPkE8dH5H
— Luke Cage (@LukeCage) October 1, 2016
Not all heroes wear capes. Engineers to the rescue. We're back. @Netflixhelpspic.twitter.com/WKCIufYU36
— Netflix US (@netflix) October 1, 2016
Had nothing to do with the outage. Stop asking. pic.twitter.com/x8PFrVjH7O
— Jessica Jones (@JessicaJones) October 2, 2016
"Did y'all break NETFLIX?" Coker asked his followers.
"Not all heroes wear capes. Engineers to the rescue," the Netflix US account joked after the issue was fixed. "We're back."
Deadline reports that the outage seems to have most affected users in the United States and the United Kingdom. In most cases, service was restored by Saturday evening.
"Luke Cage" stars Mike Colter as the titular hero, and the rest of the cast includes Simone Missick, Theo Rossi, Alfre Woodard, Rosario Dawson, and Mahershala Ali. Check it out now while you still have a Netflix connection.
[via: Deadline]