Netflix Members Watched 'Half a Billion' Hours of Adam Sandler Movies
Netflix just announced how much they -- and its members -- love them some Adam Sandler.
According to the company's Q1 earnings report, which was released yesterday, members have spent "more than half a billion hours enjoying the films of Adam Sandler."
That's since his critically savaged "The Ridiculous 6" debuted in 2015. Which Netflix says -- despite the howlingly bad reviews -- was the most-watched 30-day opening of any movie on the streaming service ever. That means that more people watched it than any other Netflix original movie or licensed movie on Netflix. Ever.
We know, we can't really wrap our minds around it either.
"We continue to be excited by our Sandler relationship and our members continue to be thrilled with his films," Netflix wrote in the report. That's a lot of hours streaming movies that usually rate less than 60% on Rotten Tomatoes. "Ridiculous 6" earned a rare 0% on RT, while fans gave it a measly 30%
The latest Netflix-only Sandler film, "Sandy Wexler," has been slightly better received. It's currently got a 33% critics rating and 48% user rating on RT.
Right now, you can stream eight Sandler movies on Netflix. Besides "The Ridiculous 6" and "Sandy Wexler," there's "The Cobbler," "The Waterboy," "Anger Management," "Big Daddy," "Hotel Transylvania 2," and his other Netflix original, "The Do Over."
Since Netflix switched the thumbs up/down system, ratings are no longer available to see how they stack up according to Netflix members. So, we just have to take Netflix's word for them being so popular.
[Via The Wrap]