Octavia Spencer Goes to the Wrong Studio in 'Saturday Night Live' Promo
At the "Saturday Night Live." "I'm terrified," she admitted.
The "Hidden Figures" Oscar nominee is hosting March 4, with musical guest Father John Misty. SNL shared a promo of Spencer arriving in Studio 8H for her big debut ... but first she went to the wrong place and caught "Late Night" host Seth Meyers eating lunch at his desk. (Guess he just spends his whole day there.)
Octavia Spencer: "I am ready, SNL! Let's do this!"
Seth Meyers: "Oh, um, wrong studio. SNL is across the hall."
Seth mentioned that he was head writer of SNL for a bunch of years, so if she wanted to ask him any questions... but she cut him off with a "Cool, dude! Cool for you."
Here's the NBC promo:She'll be great! SNL has been a hotbed of political discussion in the past few weeks, but we have to expect at least one Oscars spoof after everything that happened with #EnvelopeGate.
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