Oprah's 2018 Golden Globes Speech Fueled Talk of a 2020 Presidential Run
Now boarding is the #Oprah2020 train.
Sunday's Golden Globe Awards put Oprah Winfrey in the spotlight when she received the Cecil B. de Mille Award. The media mogul made the most of her time on stage, delivering a stirring speech. Not only did she have people on their feet before she was even done, she caused a flurry of speculation that she could run for president in 2020.
The idea has been floated before, and Winfrey's speech had a lot of the elements of a solid campaign speech. It reminded us of what an incredible path she has taken, growing up as the child of a domestic worker and becoming an iconic talk show host and tycoon. On top of that, she shared an inspiring message that reached people of a variety of backgrounds. Specifically, Winfrey focused on the Me Too movement and the change we're seeing in attitudes toward the abuse of women.
"I want all of the girls watching here and now to know that a new day is on the horizon," Winfrey said as she concluded her speech. "And when that new day finally dawns, it will be because of a lot of magnificent women, many of whom are right here in this room tonight, and some pretty phenomenal men, fighting hard to make sure that they become the leaders who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say 'Me too' again."
Her speech clearly resonated with many people. Although Winfrey hasn't announced plans to run in 2020, if you ask many of the people of Twitter, she's poised to do it. In fact, some fans are ready to swear her in right now.
And you get a new president! And YOU get a new president! You ALL get a new presidenttttt! ???????? #Oprah#Oprah2020#ImLegitimatelyOnBoardWithThisAfterThatGlobesSpeechpic.twitter.com/54L4Zl0hnQ
— Phil Mudd (@RoguePhilMudd) January 8, 2018
Well I think it's clear Oprah just announced her candidacy #Oprah2020pic.twitter.com/YbcY8dstGw
— Brittany Adelstein (@BrittanyxAlyse) January 8, 2018
In my eyes that was the launch of a Presidential run last night... #Oprah2020
— Ethan Rylett (@EthanRylett) January 8, 2018
If we're going to have a billionaire, she may as well be actually a billionaire and actually self made. #Oprah2020
— Franklin Leonard (@franklinleonard) January 8, 2018
Nothing but respect for MY president. #Oprah2020
— ????????Silver Bella????❄️ (@Bumblebeebella1) January 8, 2018
Me listening to Oprah shut it down & articulately taking everyone to Church!! ????????#OPRAH2020#GoldenGlobespic.twitter.com/Wgpvmtfn8O
— De'Adre Aziza (@DeadreAziza) January 8, 2018
That. Speech. Was. Everything. #Oprah2020pic.twitter.com/rJHlqSNWVB
— Bryant Miesle (@BryantMiesle) January 8, 2018
I think the presidency is ready for Oprah #GoldenGlobes2018#Oprah2020pic.twitter.com/IjqLR7d6q5
— sydney heckeler (@sydneyhcklr) January 8, 2018
Ready for an Oprah presidency #oprah2020#goldenglobespic.twitter.com/Z0qwXc34HG
— Kaley Lawler (@kaleyklaw) January 8, 2018
Anyone else get hella emotional over that? #Oprah2020#GoldenGlobespic.twitter.com/GHGyveZfRO
— Kapricorn Kolb (@kolbywutevr) January 8, 2018
# I am openly weeping rewatching this speech, over and over like being washed safely ashore. #oprahforpresident#oprah2020
— Michelle (@ohthehurt) January 8, 2018
A run certainly looks possible. Winfrey's long-time partner, Stedman Graham, told the Los Angeles Times that "it's up to the people" but that "she would absolutely do it." It looks like our current president, Donald Trump, could have some stiff competition in the next election from a fellow TV star.