11 Mistakes You Never Noticed in Oscar-Winning Movies
All movies are prone to the occasional mistake -- even prestige films that have won Oscars. From "The Godfather" to "Titanic," here are 11 Best Picture blunders. Per usual, all images courtesy of MovieMistakes.com.
'Braveheart' (1995)
When William Wallace (Mel Gibson) runs away from the English, expecting to meet up with his wife, he can be seen holding a sword. In other shots, however, the Scotsman is running empty-handed, until he finally stops and throws the sword to the ground.
'The Hurt Locker' (2009)
When SFC William James (Jeremy Renner) walks through the plastic sheeting, a crew member's hand is visible in the bottom right of the frame.
'Titanic' (1997)
Attempting to rescue Jack, Rose smashes the glass from the case and grabs the axe. The next shot of Rose, however, shows her grabbing the axe, but the glass in the case is nearly intact.
'Silence of the Lambs' (1991)
When the FBI are about to break in to the empty house, the ribbon on the flower box covers both the lid and the box initially. Once the agent gets to the door, the ribbon on the bottom of the box is gone.
'Chicago' ('2002')
The dancing duo starts off with Velma (Catherine Zeta-Jones) on the left (in relation to the audience) and Roxy (Renee Zellweger) on the right. In the next shot, with their backs now facing the crowd, it's clear they've done more than just turn around... the pair has also swapped places!
'Gladiator' (2000)
When Maximus (Russell Crowe) finally knocks the legendary Tigris to the ground, Tigris's mask clearly flips up into his helmet. In the following shot, however, Tigris's mask is down, now completely covering his face.
'Titanic' (1997)
While attempting to rescue Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio), Rose (Kate Winslet) smashes all the glass from the case and grabs the axe. The next shot of Rose shows her still holding the axe, but this time the case has most its glass intact.
'The Departed' (2006)
After Costello (Jack Nicholson) hits Costigan's (Leonardo DiCaprio) already broken hand/arm, Costello tosses the younger man a few notes to pay for his medical bills. In one shot, Costello is holding the money in his left hand, but the next shot shows him holding the bills with his right.
'Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King' (2003)
A close-up of Sam (Sean Astin) shows no crumbs on him. In the following shot, he has several crumbs on his right shoulder/chest, as he talks to Smegal. That was a quick snack.
'American Beauty' (1999)
As Lester (Kevin Spacey) talks to his wife, Carolyn (Annette Bening), a cushion magically changes position on the chair behind Spacey.
'The Godfather' (1972)
When Sonny (James Caan) gets gunned down, the windshield is blown to smithereens, but when the bodyguards arrive moments later, the windshield is undamaged. Only the mafia would have access to that sort of magic!