When even the Razzies are questioning your decision-making, maybe it's time to rethink some things.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences made headlines last week after it announced that it would be making some changes to the Oscars, including the introduction of a new category honoring what it called "outstanding achievement in popular film." Reaction was decidedly mixed, with many fans and critics alike wondering how such a distinction would be made (what's Best Popular Film material vs. OG Best Picture material?), and whether a "popular" designation was a bit dismissive and insulting (it's good enough for the masses, but not a merit-based Oscar).

Now, the organization behind the Golden Raspberry Awards is also throwing some shade at the move, addressing an open letter to the Academy in which they wonder why the organization would "lower" and "devalue" itself for the sake of saving its television ratings. The Razzies -- which are infamous for taking place the night before the Oscars, and highlighting the very worst films and performances of the year -- pride themselves on focusing on "bottom-of-the-barrel mindless popular and sometimes unpopular entertainment," the letter said.

The Oscars lowering themselves to “honor” popular fare just to get more eyeballs is not conducive to their brand.  Everyone depends on Oscar to point out the good stuff that might not otherwise be seen.


So a tip to our older more distinguished bald brother:  You are our inspiration – don’t fail us now.  The Razzies are co-dependent on Oscar. If you are devalued – so are we.

The Academy has yet to elaborate on how it plans to determine eligibility for its new category. Based on the backlash, it may be best to just scrap it entirely.

[The Razzies]