Samuel L. Jackson's NSFW 'Game of Thrones' Beginner's Guide Is Perfect, Motherf--ker
Dothraki, motherf--ker, do you SPEAK IT?
"Game of Thrones"? The official GoT YouTube channel offered a pleasant surprise for fans Tuesday night, in a 7 minute, 40-second video called "Game of Thrones Beginner's Guide: Uncensored," narrated by none other than Sam Jackson himself.
"OK, newbie, we've only got a few minutes and a lot to cover, so listen up," Jackson begins. "The first thing you need to know about this world is..." The edit cuts to dragons, which are a recurring piss-off point for SLJ. "No, not dragons," Jackson complains. "F--k those dragons! Focus!" He starts right from the beginning, explaining how "seasons in this place last a ridiculously long time," so when we meet everyone in Season 1, they are coming out of long summer and are not looking forward to winter coming.
Jackson narrates everything from Season 1 onward, and does a great job, complete with several more motherf--kers -- 'cause it would be a shame, shame, shame without them -- and more complaints about fans's obsession with the f--king dragons.
Watch the Beginner's Guide here:
Thank you, sir. Come back next year? Season 7 has no premiere date at this point, but filming is meant to start in September and air ... not in April 2017, when you might expect, but sometime after that. Hopefully not long after that.
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