'The Walking Dead': 'Rick's Subservience' to Negan Not OK With All Alexandrians
Poor Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) is like a whipped dog in "The Walking Dead" Season 7, and we're probably going to wince a few more times for him in this Sunday's supersized Episode 4.
Papa Grimes is no longer The Ricktator or even just friendly neighborhood Sheriff Rick. He's Negan's (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) pet. We've already seen different reactions to Negan's takeover -- with Maggie and Sasha heading off to Hilltop, Daryl still refusing to bow to Negan, and Rick basically collapsing under the weight of his own responsibilities.
He is Alexandria's leader; this whole deal with Hilltop to take out the Saviors -- he's the one who stood up and argued for it. The failure is on him, or at least he'll carry it, and it's even more his fault if anyone else dies ... or loses a hand.The promo for Episode 4 (see below) shows Rick making a new speech to the group, saying "I'm not in charge anymore; Negan is." That is tough to hear. We also see Lucille in Alexandria, and -- if they follow the comic -- Negan continues to make Rick look weak by having him hold on to Lucille while the Saviors scavenge Alexandria.
Entertainment Weekly talked to director/executive producer Greg Nicotero on how Alexandria residents will react to what happened, and life under Negan's rule:
EW: Will all the Alexandrians fall in line with that need to be submissive now?
Greg Nicotero: I would think it's safe to say that not everybody is on board with Rick's subservience.
The promo also shows Negan pulling a "remix" from the comic book with his "Little pig, little pig, let me in" line. That was said by a different group of bad guys at Alexandria's gate in the comic. Michonne also seems to be getting the comic book Andrea remix, including her place as a sniper.
The katana queen is DEFINITELY not interested in being subservient, as you can see in one of the two sneak peeks from Episode 4. However, in the other sneak peek, we see Rosita and Spencer heading out to find supplies for Negan and the Saviors. Eugene also says he's working to find ways to "give them what they want."
Here's AMC's synopsis for the November 13 episode, "Service," which is listed at 85 minutes (as opposed to the usual 60):
"The remaining members of the core group hold together in Alexandria. Then, they receive a sobering visit."
Here's the official promo:And here are the two sneak peeks:"The Walking Dead" Season 7 airs Sundays at 9 p.m. on AMC.
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