What If Matilda Went to Hogwarts? Mara Wilson Speculates on Potter Friendship
Most of us wish we could've gone to Hogwarts, but we're not all magically qualified. What about Matilda Wormwood? You may recall the 1996 movie "Matilda" starring Mara Wilson as a young genius with mean parents, a bully for a principal, and -- oh yeah -- telekinesis! Everything about her story seems fit for the world of "Harry Potter." What if she got an invitation to Hogwarts? How would that play out?
Actress Mara Wilson acknowledged that she was not the one to come up with the Matilda-at-Hogwarts idea, but she weighed in on the subject in a series of tweets with fans. Here's what she's written in the past day:
HA. "Matilda is the story of Hermione if she'd been raised by the Dursleys." I can see it.
— Mara Wilson (@MaraWritesStuff) September 29, 2015
Matilda would have also been split between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, but ultimately go to the former.
— Mara Wilson (@MaraWritesStuff) September 29, 2015
@MaraWritesStuff would she have tried to hang out with Potter and friends or stayed well clear?
— Matthew Johnson (@Matt_P_Johnson) September 29, 2015
She wouldn't have been in the clique, but they'd get along. She's older, and probably hung out with the teachers. https://t.co/4Rz2lPh7G7
— Mara Wilson (@MaraWritesStuff) September 29, 2015
I imagine Matilda would, as a seventh year, see second year Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the restricted section, and smile to herself.
— Mara Wilson (@MaraWritesStuff) September 29, 2015
Haha, I'm not the one who thought of it! Reddit and tumblr have been speculating for years! https://t.co/mqHOuTRruP
— Mara Wilson (@MaraWritesStuff) September 29, 2015
So she thinks Matlilda would be too old to hang out with Harry, Hermione, and Ron, but she'd see herself in them and their adventures. Then again, Mara retweeted a fan's argument that Matilda would actually be younger than the "clique":
@MaraWritesStuff except she'd be 2 years younger than the trio, not 5 years older. The book matilda came out it 1988 and she was 6...
— bubbles. (@AbiiSnail_) September 30, 2015
@MaraWritesStuff meaning she was born in 1982, Harry was born in 1980. Meaning Matilda would be 2 years younger than the trio.
— bubbles. (@AbiiSnail_) September 30, 2015
I figured someone else would do the math. Either way, I think she'd keep to herself, but approve. https://t.co/WeGsLHfbuX
— Mara Wilson (@MaraWritesStuff) September 30, 2015
Maybe Matilda would look up to the Potter group and wish she could join them. She might be the female Colin Creevey ... or maybe she'd have a crush on Harry and give Ginny Weasley some competition.
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