The past 24 hours have been filled with heartbreaking news, but the silver lining has been the support and love from fans. "Justice League" director Zack Snyder's 20-year-old daughter Autumn took her own life in March, but that was just made public yesterday -- shortly before the world heard about the deaths at the Manchester Ariana Grande concert.

Pretty much everyone has spent the last day reaching out with thoughts, prayers, and condolences, but if you were one of the fans who took the time to sent love to Zack Snyder, rest assured that he received it, and he appreciated it.

Zack Snyder and his ex-wife Denise had four children, including Autumn. Snyder also had two children from a past relationship before marrying Deborah Snyder, with whom he adopted two more children.

It was revealed yesterday that Zack would be stepping away from "Justice League" to be with his family, with Joss Whedon finishing up the film, which is in post-production and still scheduled for release on November 17.

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