Zack Snyder May Make a 'Watchmen' TV Series for HBO
After his big screen take on the graphic novels failed to become a franchise, director Zack Snyder may be bringing "Watchmen" to TV instead.
According to Collider, Snyder has been meeting with HBO to discuss potential for a "Watchmen" series. The site says it's unclear whether or not this new series would be a reboot of the film, a prequel, or a sequel, though the DC Comics property is certainly intricate enough to warrant multiple angles of exploration.
HBO later confirmed these talks with Snyder, providing the following statement to Collider:
Preliminary discussions regarding Watchmen have occurred but we have no additional information and no deals are in place.
So obviously, it's not a done deal yet, though that still doesn't stop the possibility from being an intriguing one. As Collider points out, the 2009 feature film wasn't a huge hit with critics or moviegoers, but that's mainly been blamed on the massive story's inability to fit in a confined movie format; the site thinks the hefty source material would be better suited as a serialized TV show, and we agree.
But as Collider also notes, HBO has a tricky history with big-name talent developing series, as failed shows from the likes of David Fincher can attest. (It's also unclear at this point if Snyder would be involved in a writing or directing capacity, or if he would merely be credited as a creator or producer.) So we'll have to wait and see if/when HBO announces a cast and premiere date before we're definitively celebrating this deal.
Stay tuned.
[via: Collider]
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