Season 1 Episodes
1. Episode 1
تحتفل عائلة النصر بموسم حصد مزارعها، وبفلاش باك يقع حادث سيارة لتلا زوجة زيد، وتسعى نجوى والدة زيد لزواجه من أخرى حتى ينجب. The Al-Nasr family celebrates the harvest season of their farms, and in a flashback, a car accident occurs for Zaid's wife Tala, and Zaid's mother Najwa seeks to marry him to another so that he can have children.
2. Episode 2
يحاول أبو نور إجبار ابنته على الزواج من يوسف، فتقتل أم نور زوجها وتحاول الهرب، وتسعى تالا لإيجاد طريقة للإنجاب من زيد. Abu Noor tries to force his daughter to marry Yusuf, Noor's mother kills her husband and tries to run away, Tala seeks to find a way to procreate from Zaid.
3. Episode 3
تكتشف نور إصابة شقيقتها دانة بمرض خطير بالقلب، فتستغل نجوى الأمر وتقنع نور بالزواج من زيد للإنجاب منها، مقابل مساعدتها بمرض دانة وإخراج أمها من السجن، في الوقت ذاته يُعجب تيم بنور. Noor discovers that her sister Dana has a serious heart disease, so Najwa takes advantage of the matter and convinces Noor to marry Zaid to have children with her, in exchange for helping her with Dana's illness and getting her mother out of prison, at the same time Tim admires Noor.
4. Episode 4
يسعى يوسف لمراقبة أم نور أملا في الوصول لنور، ويكتشف زيد سبب موافقة نور على الزواج منه. Yusuf seeks to monitor Nur's mother in the hope of reaching Nur, and Zaid finds out why Nur agreed to marry him.
5. Episode 5
Najwa spreads the news of Tala's pregnancy in the hope of giving birth to her first child, and convinces Tala to rent Noor's uterus only for pregnancy, and Yusuf succeeds to reach Noor.
6. Episode 6
Yusuf kidnaps Noor, Zaid rescues her, and the latter takes her to stay in his family villa so that he can protect her from Yusuf.
7. Episode 7
Tala is jealous of Noor's presence in the villa, Tim tries to find out Noor's relationship with his uncle Zaid, and Yusuf returns to monitor Noor and Zaid.
8. Episode 8
Tala gets excited about Noor because she feels Zaid's closeness to her, and Tim's father Samer reappears and asks Baha Abu Zaid to see his son.